The Faith of Ronald Reagan by Mary Brown, is a short biography that focuses on, as the title suggests, the faith of President Reagan, and the role that it played in his life and career. Mrs. Brown follows the development and growth of Reagan’s faith from his childhood through his time in the White House. Most of her attention is given to the influence that Reagan’s mother Nelle had in shaping the former President’s worldview. Much of the book draws on interviews and writings from individuals who were close to President Reagan, as well Reagan himself.
Although I am a huge fan of history, especially that of America’s Presidents, I left the book feeling a little bit as if I had just finished reading a college term paper. While the book offers a very intriguing and personal look into the shaping of President Reagan’s faith, the author offers very little original perspective on the matter. The vast majority of the book seems to be more of a stockpile of second-hand speculation, than an engaging narrative that I look for in historical biography. With that being said, The Faith of Ronald Reagan would probably be well received by those who are looking for a short overview of the life of one of America’s greatest leaders. But for those looking for an in-depth look at the personal faith and beliefs of Ronald Reagan…well in my opinion…they should keep looking.
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