"The Church is not a showboat, it's a battleship."
Man! What a statement! As I thought about it, I realized how appropriate it was for our churches today. Many churches have begun to operate a lot more like showboats than battleships, and there is a huge difference between the two. Let me share with you a few of the differences that stick out to me.
A showboat exists to entertain, a battleship exists for a mission.
A showboat focuses on pleasing it's passengers, a battleship focuses on pleasing it's Commander.
The people aboard a showboat are there to be served, the people aboard a battleship are there to serve.
The people aboard a showboat look for what makes them happiest, the people aboard a battleship must work together to accomplish their objective.
A showboat's budget is focused on luxury, extravagance, and comfort, a battleship's budget must be streamlined and used in ways that will bring the most BANG for the buck (some pun intended.)
A showboat really isn't going anywhere and nobody really cares as long as the show is good, a battleship has a mission to complete and a destination in sight.
My prayer is that our churches will start shutting down the games and start loading the guns!
Very poignant. Thank you for sharing this.